1425 Blalock Road, Suite 109 / Houston, TX  77055
In Houston phone (713) 784-3196, from elsewhere 1-888-511-DPFT

Seeking to establish a forum where policy alternatives to the war on drugs can be discussed by academicians, policy analysts, public office holders, and other interested citizens.  Serving the public by providing information and expert opinion about legal and illegal drugs and the issues surrounding them.

MEDIA ADVISORY For September 28 and 29, 2000

To:  Assignment Editors
Contact:  G. Alan Robison 713-784-3196
or Kevin Zeese with the Journey for Justice at 703-981-3619


Journey for Justice to End in Austin on Friday
Press conference at the Capitol at 12:00 noon
to be followed by vigil at Governor's Mansion from 4:30 PM until sundown

The Journey for Justice -- a caravan of family members of drug war prisoners, medical marijuana patients and other c itizens concerned about the need for drug policy reform -- is approaching Austin and will arrive there on Thursday evening. The Jour ney began last Friday in Houston and has stopped at prisons in Huntsville and Bryan and several courthouses along the way. On Thursd ay evening the journeyers will give a workshop on the First Amendment.

In Austin they will be joined by concerned citizens from all parts of Texas and a number of other states anxious to demonstrate their solidarity in opposition to current U.S. drug policy, the so-called "war on drugs." Included will be a bus load of people from Tulia, Texas, victims of the notorious drug sting operation that was carried out there last year.

Marchers will begin to assemble at 9:30 AM near the Mexican American Cultural Center at 600 River Street. A wheelcha ir-led brigade will pass through the streets of Austin. Starting at 10:00 AM the group will proceed to Congress Avenue via Cesar Chavez and then towards the south steps of the Capitol Building, where the press conference will begin at 12:00 noon.

Participants in the press conference will include leaders of a number of national and statewide reform organizations , including Common Sense for Drug Policy, the November Coalition, the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) , the Cannabis Action Network, the Drug Policy Forum of Texas, and the ACLU of Texas. Also participating will be a number of victims of the drug war, including parents, wives, and children of drug war prisoners, as well as patients who use marijuana obtained legal ly from the federal government and others who are forced to obtain it illegally.

The purpose of both the press conference and vigil will be to call attention to the mass incarceration resulting fro m the war on drugs, the inherent racism that has been a part of all drug prohibition efforts everywhere, but which is especially vir ulent in the U.S. today, and the continuing need to make marijuana available for medicinal purposes. The participants wish also to e xpress their support for Gov. Bush's suggestion that the availability of medical marijuana should be up to the individual states rat her than the federal government.

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Webmaster:  Art Smart
Latest Revision 30-Sep-00